The Term Bumper has been derived from “Bump” which means to have a sudden blow with impactful collision. Bumpers are used to prevent a vehicle from any kind of smashing jerk which could result in serious harm and brutal injuries as well as help minimized height mismatches between vehicles and also protects pedestrians from injurious accidents. Briton Frederick Simms was the first person to introduce rigid metal bar bumpers in 1901 for a purpose of crash safety prevention. Nowadays, modern car bumpers are designed by combining poly carbonate and acrylonitile butadiene styrene consisting of a flexible soft plastic foam cover with added support bar of steel, aluminum, and fiberglass composite for giving less severe harm on pedestrians legs in case of frontal collision.
Bumpers can also be further classified into front and rear bumper which provide extreme safety on both front and rear back side vehicle collision attack.